Electric motors and generators
Numerous electric motors and generators make use of Bootsman slide bearings.
When using electric motors and generators, you must have complete confidence in them. You don’t want them to break down as a result of malfunctions or defects. Bootsman slide bearings are reliable and have a long lifespan. That is why Bootsman slide bearings are applied in electric motors and generators of manufacturers such as Allstom, Siemens, ABB, MAN and Mitsubishi.
If a slide bearing does need revision or repairing, you can rely on Bootsman’s fast and competent service. Your electric motor or generator will be up to speed before you know it.
Engineering Bootsman manufactures your new slide bearings according to your exact specifications, fast and with guaranteed delivery service.
Slide bearings wear out. If the slide bearing doesn’t meet your demands, we can completely revise it. Advantages: quicker, cheaper and more environmentally friendly.
Damaged slide bearing? Replacement isn’t always necessary. Repair is often possible, but not always. Contact us and we will inform you about all the options.